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Mobile App

All the tools you need to buy, sell, and manage your cryptocurrency portfolio on a platform that prioritizes safety without compromising convenience. The H2cryptO app is available at your fingertips ready whenever and wherever you are.


Mobile App for iOS/Android

The H2cryptO mobile app makes it easy to buy, sell and manage your cryptocurrency on the go. Keep up to date trends, build your cryptocurrency portfolio, send and receive cryptocurrency and execute your trading strategy with easy-to-use tools anytime, anywhere.

The H2cryptO mobile app has a simple one-click buy/sell button with denominations of $50, $100, $200, $500, and $1,000 or a customizable size button for more simplistic purchases and sales. The app also offers market and limit orders with details of the order book. Whether you’re just starting your journey, or are a crypto guru, you’ll find everything you need to build your crypto portfolio on the H2cryptO mobile app.


The H2cryptO mobile app also makes trading cryptocurrency more convenient without compromising transaction speeds, uptime and security. Manage your token and digital asset holdings on the safest platform to trade and store cryptocurrency.

Keep track of your digital assets with up-to-date prices for cryptocurrencies like: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Cardano, Polygon, Chainlink, and more to come.

Please be cautious of any other apps using the H2cryptO name. The QR code can be downloaded to ensure authenticity. Using unofficial apps can result in your exchange account being compromised which may lead to loss of funds.

Download the H2cryptO app from Android/iOS app stores.

H2cryptO’s client service department is available live 24/7/365 LIVE support to assist with any mobile related issues.

  • • Easy to buy, sell and manage your cryptocurrency on the go
  • • Simple one-click buy/sell button
  • • Denominations of $50, $100, $200, $500, and $1,000
  • • Customizable size button for more simplistic purchases and sales
  • • Execute your trading strategy with easy-to-use tools anytime, anywhere
  • • Fast transaction speeds, uptime and security

H2cryptO on the iPhone with Bitcoin